For all your other Passover info, needs and questions - try the tremendous We're sure you'll be pleased!
Pre-Passover Matzah Baking!Friday
March 22 12:30 PM Thwing Center Spartan Room TRY TO BEAT THE CLOCK! TAKE HOME AND ENJOY EXPLORE IT'S RELEVANCE MATZAH AND PSYCHOLOGY? RSVP appreciated, but not necessary. Come in and have fun! For more info - call, email or connect on Facebook. |
Passover Seder(s) 2013Don't PASS OVER this PASSOVER!
Where will YOU be on Passover night? There is a seat for you at Chabad's Passover Seder. Right here in University Circle. We offer a meaningful and enjoyable, fun and entertaining Seder experience, with lotsa Matza, excellent wines and grape juice and delicious food! Our Seder is English friendly and not prayer intensive, so everyone can feel welcome. No prior background or knowledge necessary. Extended! Please RSVP by Friday, March 22 - if you want food. Otherwise, feel free to come and eat all the leftover horseradish :). In all seriousness, no one will be turned away due to late response... Who: YOU. And your friends. When: Mon. & Tues. March 25 & 26 - 8:00 PM. Where: At our home - 11432 Cedar (Glen Pkwy), corner Ambleside - diagonally across from South Residential Village. Charge: No Charge Let us know if you plan to come for the first Seder, the second Seder or both. Call, text, email or connect on Facebook. If you are in a position to help cover the costs, an $18 contribution would be cool, but no pressure. |